Signed Copy Of Dream A Little Dream By Giovanna Fletcher Giveaway

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Tonight I was very lucky to attend An Evening With Giovanna Fletcher at Waterstones. It was an amazing night (more on that soon) and while I was there I decided to buy an extra copy of Giovanna's latest book Dream A Little Dream to giveaway on my blog. To make the giveaway even more special Giovanna signed the book for my lucky winner.

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What's In Our Caboodle Everyday Changing Bag

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I know once our babies reach the toddler stage some Mummy's change their changing bag to maybe a character rucksack or something smaller. I prefer to still have a changing bag because I still need enough space to fit all his essentials. This week we have been trying out Caboodle Everyday Changing Bag and we love it. Firstly its not too big because some changing bags are so huge that they become impractical for a Mum on the go, but you can fit so much inside.

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Keep Your Pet Healthy With Frontline Spot On

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When I was little we used to have two dogs. I loved them so much and they were big part of our family. I loved taking them for a walk and I remember how much fun i had playing with them. Obviously there is a lot more to having a pet than just playing with them, its important to make sure you take care of your pet and keep them healthy. FRONTLINE Spot On have teamed up with the lovely Ruth Langsford to host a series of videos including hints and tip on how to keep your pets healthy and happy this summer.

This campaign is very close to Ruth's heart as she is the owner of Maggie a rescue dog.
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Reviewing Nutmeg - Thinking About Pensions

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Okay so this may not be something that you stop and think about every day - but there are some startling facts around about the UK's general pension provision.

Nutmeg offer an easy to use, intelligent approach to pension planning.

*image credit to Nutmeg*

They offer an expertly managed pension fund that you can tailor make to suit your overall attitude to investment risk, and they will rebalance this on a regular basis as part of the service - with surprisingly low annual management charges.   Rebalancing helps to keep your plan at the risk level you choose, and encourages selling investments when they are highly priced and using the funds to buy other low pried investments, with a constant view on enhancing the value of your pension pot, whilst ensuring that your risk level doesn't go above what you have chosen.
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Project 365 Days 158 - 171

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My blog has been a little neglected over the last few weeks so I completely missed last weeks Project 365 but I did take photos so here is our last two weeks in photos.

158/365 - Big J has recovered from his week in Malaga so it was out in the garden for some splashing fun.

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Early Father's Day Meal At Brewers Fayre

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If you are a regular reader you will know that we do like going out for meals at our local Brewers Fayre. As Father's Day is approaching we popped along for an Early Father's Day Meal. If you have visited a Brewers Fayre before you will know that they offer a variety of Menus. A normal menu with pub meals, Chef's Counter Menu and a Kids Menu.

When we have the kids with us we almost always choose Chef's Counter. Its a buffet style menu that starts at 5pm with a different theme every night of the week. It includes Burger and Hotdog night, Mexican, Curry and on Fridays it is Chip Shop Buffet Night.

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A Double Decker Bacon Sandwich For Father's Day

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I'm not the biggest fan of meat but I do like Bacon so when Roberts Bakery asked me to serve up a delicious bacon butty for Daddy on Father's Day I was happy to join in. 

Daddy doesn't like anything fancy he is likes plain and simple when it comes to food. So I knew there would be no fancy relishes or garnish just a simple bacon butty.

Roberts Bakery sent us a lovely pack which included everything we needed to make the perfect bacon butty. I decided to add a little bit extra to Daddy's butty and included cumberland sausages too.

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The Value Of A Parent

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I have almost completed my first year back in work after being on extended maternity leave. As many will know you only get 9 months maternity pay so for the extra year I took off I had no income at all. It was a hard choice but as little J had so many hospital appointments Daddy and I decided it was best to stay at home and take care of little J. 

Our Boys
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It's National Picnic Week

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This week is National Picnic Week. We love picnics and try and have one as often as we possibly can. Whenever we head to the park or beach we always take a packed lunch with us. It's something we have always done since big J was a baby. There is something special about enjoying your lunch on a nice tartan blanket in the great outdoors. The best thing about a picnic is that you don't even have to leave your home to enjoy one. We have had many garden picnics, teddy bears picnic and even a carpet picnic on a rainy day.

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Trunki Yondi Monkey Review

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I recently took part in a twitter party hosted by Britmums all about car journeys. Lots of people joined in with hints and tips on how to make car journeys with the kids more exciting and more comfortable.  As a family we travel up and down the country all the time so I did have some tips to share. I always like the boys to have a snooze especially if its a long journey as it passes the time. Big J is usually on his phone and little J loves the iPad but they both do relax.

When we were sent a Trunki Yondi Monkey to review I was convinced little J wouldn't be interested. The Trunki Yondi is a child's neck pillow He doesn't like things on him such as caps, sunglasses etc so I thought he might try and pull it off straight away but I was willing to give it a try. He always looks hunched over in his car seat and when he does fall asleep his head drops to his chest and it looks so uncomfortable. We are always reaching over and trying to prop his head back up.
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Father's Day Gift Ideas

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Father's Day will soon be here and if I am honest I haven't got a clue what we are buying Daddy yet. I usually sway to something related to technology because that is what Daddy loves. I know he would love an Apple iWatch but he might have to ask Father Christmas for that.
I do love buying little 'Daddy' gifts too such as teddies and mugs but we have so many and like I said recently about buying anniversary gifts there must come a point where you have to stop. 
Here are just a few choices that I may consider for Daddy.

Personalised Square Cufflinks 
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WOW Toys Countdown Calendar Competition

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You may have spotted a nice new shiny badge on my sidebar this week letting you all know that I am now a WOW Blogger Buddy. We have recently been browsing toys shops and online for some new toys for little J because he has a sudden interest in figures and playsets and WOW was one of the brands we were looking at. I was so happy to receive an email to say that WOW toys would us to check out their new Countdown Calendars and also give one away to my readers.

I'm sure most of you will know WOW Toys and will agree that they are perfect for little ones. The toys are so colourful, cheery, chunky and they don't need batteries. I was quite excited to hear more about the WOW Toys Countdown Calendar. I instantly thought about Advent calendars and how exciting it is for little ones to open them each morning, counting down the days till Christmas.
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What To Pack In A Teenager's Suitcase

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Big J has just arrived home from his third trip abroad without us. Its so weird to think he has experienced parts of the world without us. He has been to Rue in France for 5 days, Skiing for a whole week and last week he went to Spain for 5 days.

When it came to packing his suitcase he really wasn't interested at all. I think thats a boy thing because Daddy doesn't like packing either. They both are just happy to watch me do it. I did make a list of things he needed to make it easier for him but I still ended up doing it.

First I packed his hand luggage. He didn't have much in it as the school already had his Passport, EHIC and Euros. His hand luggage just had his phone, earphones, wallet containing some english money for the airport and plane and a book.

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Project 365 Days 151 - 157

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Well its been a funny old week which started with all four of us but that soon went to just Little J and I. Big J jetted off to Spain on a school trip early hours Monday morning and didn't return until Friday evening. Daddy was away with work in the middle of the week so it was an unusually quiet house.

151/365 - Today was mainly spent packing for Big J's holiday to Spain.

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Win An Organix Hamper Worth £25

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If you have read my blog before you may have noticed that little J loves his food. The good thing about him is he will try anything and he usually likes everything he tries. I'm so glad as it's hard work when you have a fussy eater. I love knowing that he will eat home made meals, fruit and vegetables. 

For a treat Little J absolutely loves Organix Goodies. His favourite are Carrot Cake Soft Oaty Bars. Whenever he wants one he says 'cake' its so cute. He has tried most of the Organix goodies range and likes it all. The finger foods are another of his favourites including Tomato Slices. They look just like a pack of crisps and he loves having the control of eating as many or as few as he likes.

 I am so excited to team up with Organix to offer 3 of my lucky readers the chance to win an Organix Hamper worth £25
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Brothers By Willow Tree

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Yesterday Daddy and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary. Its been a odd week with Daddy working lots and Big J on holiday in Spain. For most of the week it was just little J and I so we didn't make any specific Anniversary plans. Usually we will do something special but we decided to visit Alton Towers a few weeks earlier and maybe just go out for a meal on our actual anniversary.

Brothers by Willow Tree
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10 Reasons Why I Love June

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I am so excited that June has finally arrived and here is why.

1. Daddy and I had our first ever date in June. It was the 21st June which is the longest day. This year the 21st falls on Fathers Day too so it's twice as special.

Looking Back - June 2010 Central Park, New York City

2. Daddy and I were married in June. This year we will be celebrating 15 years together and 5 years married. We were married in New York City and it was the best day of my life. It was so amazing and very personal as I had always wanted to get married in New York and Daddy made my dreams come true.
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#TheSmiler Crash At Alton Towers

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I think it's pretty obvious if you read my blog regularly that we are big fans of Alton Towers. I have been going there since before Nemesis opened and this year its celebrating its 21st birthday. It's also a special place for us as it's where Daddy proposed to me.

I was really upset and shocked yesterday to hear that there was a crash on The Smiler. I am a huge fan of rollercoasters but there is something about that ride that I just don't like. I have been on it twice this year but after the last time which was less than two weeks ago I said to Daddy I probably won't go on it again.

Taken 23rd May After Big J Had Been On The Ride
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Preparing For Summer With LamaLoLi

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I am a huge fan of character clothing and always have been. I used to love dressing big J in Disney or Star Wars but unfortunately now he is a teenager he isn't so keen to walk around with Mickey Mouse on his chest. Luckily I still have little J and this month he has been wearing lots of new summer clothing from LamaLoLi

Star Wars - The Clone Wars (2 Pack T-shirt)
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Going On Holiday - How Do You Choose?

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I was watching the boys in the garden last week and they were playing in the water. It was bright, warm and sunny and it got me thinking about our Summer holiday.

Sa Coma - June 2003 
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