Switch It Up and Drink Smart

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As soon as the Christmas season begins we usually have lots of invites for nights out, get togethers, and meals and to me this means lots of fun but others its an excuse to have lots of alcohol. I am not a big drinker in fact whenever I go out I am usually the driver and would much rather drink water or a glass of diet coke than wine or vodka. To me drinking is a social thing and people use it to have great time but I don't need it. Don't get me wrong when I was younger I would party all weekend but I was younger then and had no responsibilities but I now one night of partying would make me feel ill for a week after and with two kids and a husband to look after I much prefer to to stay alcohol free. Recent research commissioned by AB InBev was done to demonstrate the benefits of smart drinking encouraging Brits to 'Switch It Up' 
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Our 2016 Christmas Gift Guide

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Christmas will soon be here and whilst I love buying presents I often get stuck for ideas on what to buy. So this year I decided to make notes every time something caught my eye on TV or whilst browsing the internet.
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Go Ahead Snacks Review #SnackSmart

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We love reviewing new products as it gives us the chance to try out new stuff we may have missed in the shops. However when we were asked to review some Go Ahead goodies it reminded me of a brand I used to love but just forgot about somehow. We used to eat Go Ahead bars a few years ago but stopped and I'm not sure why as they are so tasty and low in kcals.
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Our Top Five Takeaway Apps

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Its nearly time to decorate our home ready for the Christmas celebrations. We have a tradition that every year on decoration day, we will tidy up, then get the decorations from the loft. After that the usual ornaments and pictures take their turn up in the loft for a month or so, and then the decorating begins. At about the time we are sorting the teddies and ornaments, we will usually order a takeaway meal to be delivered. Now I remember when we first started the tradition of decoration day we would go out for something to eat, but we would find ourselves short of time and rushed. Over the years that we have been ordering in I think that Pizza has been the most popular choice, but then is that because until recently Pizza was one of the only things you could get delivered?
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Annabel Karmel Frozen Meals Review

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When it comes to mealtimes I have mentioned before that I do like to cook from scratch but realistically there are days when this does not happen. Being a parent it's busy, busy, busy and there are days when I just have to throw something together quickly if we are running late and I haven't had time to prepare something. Having said that I still make sure what we eat isn't junk and that it is something that is nutritious and healthy. When we were asked to try out Annabel Karmel Frozen Meals I took a look at the website and the products and I was impressed. Annabel Karmel has turned her best-loved children’s recipes into nutritionally balanced freezer fillers for parents like me that have days when we are just too busy to cook.
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TechSavvyDad Tuesday - S+ by ResMed Review

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Sleep. Does anyone ever get enough these days? I know that being a dad to two boys, one a toddler and one a teen, there is a huge differential in the times that they sleep. Little J is often asleep by 6pm and up again ready for the next day at 5am whereas Big J will be in bed by 10pm on a school night and much later at weekends. I get to sleep in-between these times but generally I have some ‘Dad’ time that means actually I think I average around 6 hours each night. I know that's not enough, but how can we monitor and improve our sleep? I have tried a few apps from the google play store over the years, with mixed results. I have never stuck to one app to try to improve my sleep as I haven’t yet been convinced that any of them actually work. I have been trying the S+ by ResMed to try and improve my sleep.
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The Lion Guard Defend The Pride Lands Play Set Review

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Being huge Disney fans we are quite shocked that we haven't sat down yet and watched The Lion Guard TV series which is based on The Lion King movies. We've heard of it and it has been on our 'to watch' list for a while. When we were asked to review The Lion Guard - Defend The Pride Lands Play Set it gave us the excuse to sit down and watch an episode before it arrived. Little J loved it as did I. It's a lovely series following Kion, Simba's youngest cub.
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Epic Moments From The Middle Earth Collection

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This week I have noticed that Christmas is already everywhere. Shops, adverts on TV, Online ads, you can’t get away from it and its not even 5th November yet. This got me thinking about some of the traditions we have at home for Christmas, one of which is to watch the extended editions of all three Lord Of The Rings movies, we attempt this usually in one epic sitting when Little J and Big J are having their Christmas day out with their grandparents.
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