CBeebies Land at Alton Towers and kids go free

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We love Alton Towers and have been visiting for as long as I can remember. Its a very special place for us, we visit several times throughout the year but there are certain dates we never miss.
Screamfest is amazing and if you have never been you should definitely plan a trip. It usually runs for a couple of weeks leading up to Halloween. Then the fireworks is the week after. I have never seen a fireworks display as big as the ones in Alton Towers. This is special for us because Daddy proposed to me while we watched the Fireworks a long time ago :)
Then their is Santas Sleepover in the Hotel. We have been going for years and its so special for the children. We usually visit for Big J's birthday too and you can read about that here.
So when CBeebies land was announced we did get excited because now we have little J and he will be able to enjoy Alton towers as much as we do.
When we arrived it was really colourful, fresh and new and very appealing to the youngsters.
It has its own section in Alton Towers which you have to enter by walking through two trees.
There is a map when you enter showing you all the rides and attractions. It was very busy so we decided to have a look around first.
The first thing we saw was Something Special Sensory Garden. Its a walk through garden area with two TV's showing Justin singing and welcoming you to the garden.
The Sensory garden has lots to touch, feel and smell. Their are musical instruments such as drums and also mirrors too. Both big and little J enjoyed the garden and I'm looking forward to taking little J back when he is walking.
 Next we went on the In the Night Garden Boat ride.
The ride takes you on a journey so you can see all your favourite In the Night Garden Characters.
Little J really enjoyed the ride and we were planning to go on again but the queue was almost a hour long so maybe next time.
After the boat ride we managed to meet Iggle Piggle. There is a large arena section and there are little tents and Iggle Piggle was there.
 Little J was really excited and got lots of cuddles. Big J did too.
Nina's Science LAB is an indoor attraction is aimed at children older than little J but big J enjoyed it.

There are lots of hands on things to do inside.

 There was no queue for the number go round so we went on this next.
Little J enjoyed sitting on the car as it went round. He cried when we got off so we had to go on a few times.
Last but not least we went on Postman Pat ride
Little J and big J drove Postman Pats van around Greendale.

 There are lots more activities and attractions to visit once inside CBeebies Land but little J fell asleep so we went off around Alton Towers to go on some bigger rides.

I am looking forward to returning once its been open a little longer and hopefully queues will have calmed by then.

If you didn't know already Cbeebies Magazine has teamed up with Merlin Entertainments to offer readers Kids Go Free tickets. This current issue of CBeebies magazine has two kids go free tickets in so can save you a little bit of money.

Have you been to Cbeebies Land? Did you enjoy it?

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#Win CBeebies Sweet Dreams With Squidge #Competition

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I have the most amazing competition today on my blog. If you have a little fan of CBeebies then you will know already just how cute Squidge is.

Golden Bear Toys have released a range of CBeebies toys which can be viewed here.

There is lots to choose from Squidge, Something Special, In The Night Garden, Woolly and Tig and more.


Little J has been playing with Sweet Dreams Squidge this week so look out for our review in the next few days.
 I am so excited to be giving TWO of my readers the chance to win Sweet Dreams with Squidge.

Enter the world of CBeebies fun with Sweet Dreams with Squidge.  He’s getting tired and needs his sleep!  Squeeze him and listen as he plays the CBeebies bedtime song and watch as he glows softly in different colours, to gently soothe your little one to sleep.  Squeeze him for a second time and the music will stop and go back to the start when pressed again.  Soft and cuddly Squidge is sure to be a favourite with your little ones at bedtime!
For your chance to win 1 of 2 simply watch the video and answer the question
Q: How do you switch on the music?
(answer is in the video so watch carefully)

CBeebies Sweet Dreams With Squidge
Good Luck
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Little J's New Bedtime Pal - Sweet Dreams with Squidge

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This post really does bring back memories for me. I've mentioned it before but when Big J was little he loved CBeebies. Tweenies, Teletubbies, Balamory and Mr Tumble.
When that time of day came that CBeebies was going to bed Big J would cry his little heart out. As soon as the goodnight song would come on his lip would quiver and the tears would flow. If we turned the TV off before the song started he would still cry and it was probably worse.
This week little J received a CBeebies Sweet Dreams with Squidge. It is so soft and cuddly and it plays the CBeebies Goodnight song. It brought back a lot of memories.
I knew little J would love it straight away because he just loves anything he can cuddle, press, lights up and makes noises.

Once we showed little J how to start the song (by pressing the star at the bottom) he can easily switch the music on, press it again and the song stops.

As well as singing the song Sweet Dreams with Squidge lights up too.

Little J had slept with Squidge the night before and wouldn't put him down so he joined us for breakfast.

The squidge is really soft so little J decided to snuggle up while watching Mike The Knight.

The lights on squidge are soft and will stay on for the song but once the song finishes they go off. If you want to hear the song again or see the lights you will have to press the star again.

We leave squidge in the cot overnight and every morning we have been awoken to the song. Its our new alarm clock. I find myself singing it throughout the day too.

The squidge is suitable from 10 months +  and is 23cm tall.

He is super soft and wears a lovely blue night cap.

Press the star to activate the Cbeebies night time tune

Lights glow softly whilst the song is playing.

RRP is £19.99 and is made by Golden Bear Toys who have a Cbeebies range.

If you would like to own a squidge of your own - click HERE to enter my competition to win a Sweet Dreams with Squidge.
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NINKY NONK Musical Activity Train

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Since our recent visit to Cbeebies Land in Alton Towers little J absolutely loves In The Night Garden. I had heard of it before but we had never watched the programme. 
Little and big J got to meet Igglepiggle and little J instantly became a fan

He has a few toys now including an Igglepiggle taggy which he loves and takes to bed with him every night. 
Probably his favourite toy at the moment is his NINKY NONK musical activity train. He loves it and has played with it every day since it arrived.
The train is like five toys in one because each carriage can be removed from the others so you can play with which ever toy you want or all five. When attached together the NINKY NONK activity train is 78cms long.
Included is 
Ninky Nonk Musical Pull Along Engine

This is little J's favourite. The Musical Pull Along Engine from In the Night Garden, is perfect for little J. He loves anything that makes a noise, lights up or sings and this does all 3.

There are 3 buttons on the NINKY NONK engine and each one when pressed plays the characters theme tune. Little J keeps pressing them over and over again. There is another button shaped as a yellow star and this is perfect for bedtime. When you press it the NINKY NONK lights up and plays a lullaby.
The NINKY NONK also has a yellow cord attached and when pulled plays a tune. Little J isn't walking just yet but he will whizz  it across the floor.

Tombliboo's Spinning Shape Sorter

Little J really likes this part of the train, and I actually do to. The shape sorter comes with three blocks which are different colours, shapes and has characters featured on them.
Once little J had sorted the blocks I showed him that you can press down on the plunger and the carriage spins.
He will sit and spin it over and over. I have to admit its weirdly addictive.
To release the shapes you just lift up the carriage and they fall out.
Upsy Daisy's Stacking Blocks Carriage
The next part of the train is a stacker. Little J isn't too fussed on this part of the train. The carriage features two Harhoo blocks that you can use to stack alone or you can stack on top of the carriage. They need to be stacked and clipped down to stay in place and little J just finds this a little to hard and gives up but I'm sure in time with practice he'll master it.
There is a little peek a boo door which he enjoys opening and closing and opening and closing.... and the lids rattles too which he seems to enjoy playing with.
 Pop-up Igglepiggle 
This is really simple but very enjoyable. You just press down on the button and Igglepiggle will pop up and then you push him back down again and he squeaks. This fits in one hand so perfect for keeping little J entertained in the car or while he's sat waiting for his lunch.
Peek-a-Boo Carriage


Again this is only a small toy so can easily fit in the hand. You open the doors and inside are Pontipines and Wottingers. Little J likes opening the door but not as much as pressing the button on the roof which has a clicking sound.

Overall little J loves the NINKY NONK Musical Activity Train. The fact that it is 5 toys in one is really appealing as I know how easy it is for little ones to become bored quite quickly. The train has lots of activities to do on each and when put together its a great pull along too.


Its very bright and colourful and if your little one isn't a fan of In The Night Garden already I'm sure they will be after playing with this. I often find myself singing along to the songs.


You can view more information on In The Night Garden HERE and you can buy the NINKY NONK Musical activity train HERE
Does your little one like In The Night Garden?

*we were sent the Ninky Nonk Activity Train for the purpose of this review. All thoughts are our own*
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Club Penguin is taken over by Frozen

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If you didn't know already we love everything Disney and always have. This week Big J got to play on his favourite online game Club Penguin while it was taken over by Frozen.
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Testing out the Motorola Moto G

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Daddy loves anything electronic so when we were asked to try out the Motorola Moto G I knew this was a job for Daddy. Daddy has been trying it out and has written the post below.

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Chang to get the season started.

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As the football season has just begun the boys have gone football mad well Everton mad to be precise. Both Daddy and big J are big Everton Fans and have just purchased the new kits and Daddy has been enjoying the Everton sponsor Chang beer.
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Monkey Wellbeing

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As most of you know little J spends most of his time in and out of hospitals and he has done since he was born. Whether its attending appointments or visiting specialists, it sometimes feels like a second home. He has already had one 'failed' operation to try and correct his toe and will be due another in the next few months. I am hoping by the time he is older all these appointments will have stopped and he wont be able to remember just how much time he spent see doctors and nurses. The one thing that does upset me is just how many children you see around the hospital. Some just with cuts and bruises but others who look really sick and look like they have been in there for a while. Its so sad and it must be very scary for a child to be in hospital, especially if its their first time. Lots of machines, gadgets and bleeping noises. I recently came across Monkey Wellbeing and I just fell in love with the idea and asked Helen if she would write a post for me, explaining all about Monkey Wellbeing so that I could share it with my readers.

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Skip Hop Zoo Travel Blanket

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On our recent trip we did do lots of driving across the country and at times it did get quite chilly. We had packed our Skip Hop Zoo Travel Blanket with us and it was perfect to keep little J warm.
Firstly the monkey design is so cute and perfect for my little monkey, it super soft and very cosy.

The monkey face  acts as a cushion as well as the pouch. Little J likes to lie on the cushion, its really soft. He actually lay on it before I had managed to take the packaging off.
When you open it up, it unfolds into a huge blanket.
It is perfect for the car but also at home, when you are snuggling on the couch or just want to cuddle up.
So when you have finished with the blanket you just need to fold it back away into the pouch and then you can carry it with you using the handle.
The blanket comes in 3 designs, Owl, Ladybug or Monkey.
Current RRP is £23
I recently went to Hamleys and saw more of the Skip Hop Travel Range so I am looking forward to adding some more of the range to our collection.
The Skip Hop Zoo Neckrest is perfect for little ones aged between 2 to 4. They will make journeys more comfortable by giving support to the neck. Ideal for cars, planes and trains as they are very easy to carry and will make journeys more fun.
The neckrest comes in 4 designs, Owl, Ladybug, Bee and Monkey.
Current RRP is £15
Lastly I spotted the gorgeous Skip Hop Zoo Luggage perfect to make you collection complete.
The Skip Hop luggage is a pull along trolley style suitcase. It has a sturdy handle and the design of the case means if little ones get tired of pulling it along, the shoulder strap can be removed and this will allow the parents to carry it as a bag.
Lots of space inside to pack toys, books or teddies and has a wipe clean lining.
The luggage comes in designs all with their own themed zip toggle. Owl, Ladybug, Bee and Monkey.
Current RRP is £39
For more information you can visit Maguari
*we were provided with a Skip Hop Travel Blanket. The thoughts above are our own*
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The Rug Doctor Has Been

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I have heard of Rug Doctor before, we have some in our local supermarket which you can hire for 24/48 hours. We have wooden floors downstairs but the stairs and bedrooms are carpet and they never look clean.
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Little J Is Making Music

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Little J loves making noises with his toys whether it's banging two blocks together or hitting a plastic box like a drum, he is always trying to make new sounds. A few weeks ago he was at play group and was playing with a xylophone and even though it was such a simple toy he loved it. He sat playing with it longer than any other toy there and seemed to really enjoy himself.
When we were given the chance to review a toy from What2Buy4Kids I had a look on the website to see if there were any xylophones and there were.  We chose the Lion Xylophone by Orange Tree Toys. 
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Discoveroo Squeaker Emergency Cars Set

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Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own unless stated. This post contains affiliate links. 

Discoveroo Squeaker Emergency Cars Set
Like most kids little J loves anything he can press that makes a noise. When 1 Two Kids Limited asked us to try out Discoveroo Squeaker Emergency Cars Set I knew little J would love them and I wasn't wrong. They arrived in a set of three including an Ambulance, Fire Engine and Police Car. 
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Free Shopping Using Cashback Apps

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food shopping that was free using cashback apps
I like to think I'm quite savvy when it comes to shopping. It's very rare we will go food shopping without it being planned beforehand. There are so many ways to save money on your weekly shop and if you give it a little thought you can save a lot. 
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Cheeky Chompers Chewy Dribble Bib Review

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Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our ow unless stated. This post contains affiliate links. 

Cheeky Chompers Neckerchew
My mum and dad were watching a repeat of Dragons Den a few months ago and told me about an idea they had seen, a bib with a teether attached. What a simple for great idea. Little J is now cutting his molars so we are once again full of drool but he is also wanting to bite anything he can get his hands on. Cheeky Chompers, the company seen on Dragons Den kindly sent us a neckerchew for little J to try.
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Water Fun In The Garden

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Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own unless stated. This post contains affiliate links. 

Child sat on grass
The sun shone down on us all a few weeks ago and we finally got all our garden toys out and we have been spending most of our time outside. Big J has been getting up and heading straight in the garden, even before he gets dressed. Little J enjoys playing outside and we take a few of his toys out but its very rare he sits still playing he usually just crawls around chasing after the ball and trying to get a goal.
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Disney Cars Booster Seat by Tomy

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Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own unless stated. This post contains affiliate links. 
Disney Cars Booster Seat
Summer is finally here which means lots of BBQ's and eating Al fresco but this can sometimes be a pain for me because if I put little J on the floor for a picnic he just crawls away.  I have to carry little J's huge highchair into the garden all the time so I can get him to sit still and eat. This isn't a problem anymore because I now have a portable high chair and its brilliant. The Booster Seat is so easy and compact to carry round and has made eating outside a doddle.
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What To Expect On A Young Driver Lesson

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disclosure - we were gifted a free driving lesson for the purpose of this post. 

boy sat in a young driver car having his first driving lesson
I had one very excited son on Sunday when he took his first ever driving lesson at just 12 years old. You might be wondering how he is having driving lessons so young, well its thanks to a company called Young Driver and Goodyear Driving Academy who have teamed up to teach children the importance of road safety. 
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Personalised Fathers Day Gifts To Make With The Kids

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Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. This post contains affiliate links.

4m gift ideas
If you are stuck for some ideas for Fathers Day gifts this year I have a few ideas which will definitely get the thumbs up from Dad. At Easter we were sent alternative Easter gifts by Great Gizmos and now we have received a bundle just for Dads.
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Scotland Yard by Ravensburger

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Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. This post contains affiliate links. 
Scotland yard board game
We always make time to play board games together. Big J is at an age now where he enjoys more challenging games such as Monopoly, Cluedo, Destination and our new favourite Scotland Yard by Ravensburger.

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Belo & Me Little Lunch Bag

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Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. 

I recently found the cutest little lunch bags over at Belo & Me. I love jute bags and I have shopper bags that I take with me when I go the supermarket. I'm not a fan of plastic bags. They always rip or break so I prefer to take my own with me.
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