Cartamundi Disney Cars Racing and Action Game Box Review

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Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. This post contains affiliate links. 

Little J has become a huge Disney Cars fan over the past few months, it's all he is interested in so when we received the Cartamundi Disney Cars game I knew it would be a hit. Playing games is something we have always enjoyed as a family but until recently little J was too young so he never got involved.

disney cars card game

There are two games to play

The Racing Game

Race your car across the city using the crazy changing roads and be the first to cross  the finish line.

disney cars card game

To play this game you need to assemble the 4 x 3D cars that are included in the box. Little J loved helping with this and went and got his diecast cars to join in too.

disney cars card game

The rules for the racing game are very simple, you place a 5x5 grid of cars and each player has to put their chosen car on the start line.

disney cars card game

The remaining cars are placed in a pile near the grid. On you turn you pick a card and place it on the grid to create a pathway for your car to pass through.

You can race your car as long as

The road is joined together

You do not pass through a roadworks sign

There are no other cars in the way

The player who creates a clear road to get to the finish line wins.

The Action Game

This was a little too complicated for little J although the rest of us loved this game.

disney cars card game

It's very similar to the card game Uno so if you are familiar with the game then you will already know how to play. If not then the object of the game is to get rid of all your cards.

disney cars card game

Each player gets 5 cars and the remaining cards are placed in a pile. You turn one card over from the pile and place it in the middle. The first player must put down a card from their 5 cards that either match the colour or number of the face up card.  Play continues round but to make things a little harder there are 5 action cards.

disney cars card game

Skip a turn 

Pick up another card from the pack

Pick up two cards from the pack 

Change the direction of play

Wild Card - you can change the colour of the play

Once you have got rid of all your cards you shout 'CARS' and you have won the game

The Cartamundi Disney Cars game is suitable from 4 years plus and for 2 to 4 players. Now little J has just turned 3 and he enjoyed one of the games included but the other we may have to wait a while.

You can visit Amazon to buy the Disney Cars game or to view the range.


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How Often Do You Take Your Pet For A Checkup? | AD

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Disclosure - This is a paid post

I remember the day when my friend brought home a little puppy. The kids had grown up and weren't as dependant on her any more and she felt a little lost. She was torn between having a baby or getting a dog, the dog won. I couldn't understand it at first because to me a baby and a dog are two completely different things and of course they are but the idea of having something or someone to look after was the same. Someone or thing to need you and rely on you. I guess dogs and babies are quite similar when you think about it. 

Jump around
Being a Mum myself,  I know looking after a baby can be tough, you have to make sure you keep them safe and away from harm as best you can. They can't tell you how they are feeling, even when they are crying we are never 100% sure what they actually want, need or feel. Having a dog is the same. Being an owner of a pet it is your job, your responsibility to make sure your pet is cared for to the best of your ability. 

Just like babies, pets get unwell and it is important to know what could be causing your pet to feel like this and who to turn to if you need help. I know when we had our two dogs, both my Mum and Dad would make regular visits to the vets to get them checked out and if they needed any treatment it could be given. 

Parasites can hurt our pets both inside and out and we might not be able to see them. Merial Animal Health have created a fun but serious short video called 'The Parasite Party' about the more common parasites that could be found on or in your pet. 

It's important to remember that if your pets are infected then you and your family could be at risk too. I don't remember our dogs having anything really serious but I do remember them having fleas. I remember seeing them in the fur of one of our dogs, Kim. They were only small but you could see them clearly as she had white fur. The fleas lay eggs which fall off into the environment and develop into new adult fleas (did you know that the fleas you can see on your dog or cat only represent 5% of the problem- the rest of the flea population is in the environment in carpets, bedding etc). These new fleas can then jump on to us. Flea bites on humans can be serious so I know we took our dog to the vet and she was treated and sent home with a flea collar on. 

Internal parasites such as worms can also affect pets. Some of these worms can affect people too if they accidentally ingest the eggs, and it’s important to know that children are especially at risk because they often play on the floor or in soil where worm eggs may be found.

If you are unsure about the parasites that could be living on your pet you can visit the Parasite Party website and take a short questionnaire. 6 questions that could provide you with some information on what type of parasites your dog or pet could be exposed to. 

When caring for any pet it’s important to remember these top five tips. 

Wash your hands regularly.

Clean up your pet’s droppings daily.

Do not give your pet uncooked meat/offal.

Treat your pet regularly against parasites as instructed by your vet.

If you have several pets, make sure to treat all of them.

So just like babies, pets need check ups to. They need your help because they rely on you to care for them.

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Wiplii Cardboard Toy Review and Giveaway

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Whether we are playing inside or out little J always has to have a tent or den set up. He loves to have a space were he can go and chill or play on his iPad. We have a pop up tent and I am always trying to jazz it up a little with cushions and stickers to make it look more appealing. When I fist heard about Wiplii and their range of cardboard toys I was really interested as I hadn't seen or heard anything like this before.

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Miraclesuit Costume Giveaway

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So far this year I have created two bucket lists and on those two bucket lists I have said I am going to lose weight. I need to lose weight and now that it's almost May I am starting to panic as Summer is literally just around the corner. We are still hoping to go away this year and all the talking about Summer has really put me in the mood to book a nice beach holiday.

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Masha And The Bear DVD - How They Met

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Friendship and adventure abound with the heart-warming tales of three year old Masha and her retired circus star friend, Bear, in their first DVD collection released by Abbey Home Media on Monday 25th April. We stumbled across Masha and the Bear just recently and little J loves it. It's actually really cute and after reading about it online I noticed Masha was voiced by Elsie Fisher who also voiced Agnes in Despicable Me.

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Num Noms Giveaway

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I recently came across Num Noms at our local Tesco. They were new in and seemed very popular as most of the stock on the shelves had gone. They looked fun and I am sure the kids will go crazy for these, wanting to collect all the different characters.

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Q Pootle 5 - Pootle The Explorer DVD Giveaway

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I can't believe it's been 18 months since we last reviewed Q Pootle 5 DVD. Little J is such a fan of the show and we are both so excited for the releases of Q Pootle 5 - Pootle The Explorer on DVD. Although we have CBeebies on TV I do like to have a back up of DVD's they keep little J entertained  especially on car journeys or when we go away.

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Warner Bros. Easter DVD Bundle Giveaway

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Little J has become really interested in watching TV and movies over the last few months and I am actually quite excited about it. There is nothing better than siting down in front of the tv and watching a dvd or movie. I am hoping this continues and we get to have some nice family chill time on the sofa this Easter half term.

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