The 11th Week

father and two sons looking out on to the sea
The last time I joined in with Living Arrows was week 8 and although I am sad that I have missed out on posting photographs for the past 3 months, I just haven't felt like coming on here at all since lockdown. We were thrown into a very strange situation and although it was weird and scary I have absolutely loved spending so much time with the boys. I've took hundreds of photos and videos each day to document our 'lockdown lives' but now as we head in to the 11th week I think normality has started to creep in. Lockdown is easing and schools and businesses are returning. I said last week that whether or not you think it is the right time to go back to school that is such a personal decision, if I had my way I would keep the boys at home with me forever.

young boy eating an ice creamIt's only over the past week that we have ventured out a little further for our daily exercise / walk. Up until now we have been happy playing in the garden and just exploring close to home but we decided to go further afield and it wasn't as bad as we expected.

First we went to the waterfront. It was so nice to breathe in some fresh sea air. I have missed that so much and I have always took for granted how easy it was for us to pop to the Liverpool waterfront on a sunny day.  The excitement on little J's face when he saw the ice cream van. He would live on ice cream if he could and whilst I was nervous to get him one I couldn't resist his little face looking at us hoping we would say yes. He absolutely enjoyed every single spoonful and just sat eating watching the waves in the dock.


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