Top Tips for Planning a Good Birthday for Your Child

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Planning your child's birthday can be a challenge. All you want is for them to have fun. To help you on your journey, here are some top tips for planning a good birthday for your child. 

birthday cake

Consider What Your Child Likes 
It is easy to think that a standard birthday party is the best thing to do for your child’s birthday or buy the trending toy. However, you must tune into your child and consider what they like and especially what they don’t like. Some parents make the mistake of making assumptions based on trends or what other children are doing. Make some time to speak to your child to learn more about them and their current interests. Your child's interests will likely change regularly, which can make it difficult to plan. Listen to them, ask questions and even ask them straight up what they want for their birthday. This will make it a lot easier and ensure that you can make your child happy on their special day. 

Find The Perfect Gift 
Gifts play a key part of a birthday for children, so you must find the perfect gift. It is important to know as a parent that money shouldn’t matter. What matters is the gift itself. It can be very difficult with parents earning different money and having different values. Children don’t quite understand and it can be difficult when children are getting different valued presents for their birthday, and can leave your children asking for more or higher ticket items. It can be a good idea to speak to your children about money and gifts. It is also helpful to get personal and specific when it comes to gifts. This means that when your child opens the gift, they will be too excited about the present because it is something of interest to them, so the value of it does not matter. Think about their interests. For example, if your child enjoys football, then you may like to get them a mystery shirt in a box

Plan Something Fun
When you have considered what your child likes and does not like, you can use this information to plan something fun. For your child, this might be a themed birthday party where you invite all their friends and have a day of activities and games. For other children, this might be their worst nightmare. This is why you must do some digging and fact-finding first. The last thing you want to do is surprise your child with something they don’t want to do. If your child does not want a birthday party, then you may choose to set something more low-key up. This might be an experience day doing something they enjoy, for example, at a football stadium tour, with a mountain bike or at a science museum. Do some research on what your child enjoys and see what you can plan around it. 

Your child's birthday should be special. You don’t need loads of money to make it fun, you just need to know what your child likes and you can go from there. Follow these top tips to help you. 


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