little J
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Parenting | Portion Sizes For Children

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I've spoken a lot about mealtimes with the kids recently and I did a little research about portion sizes for children. Portions sizes obviously differ from child to child and as a parent you know best what your child needs and what they don't, however this is just a guideline and may help those who need it. 
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Little J's Bed Time

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When it comes to sleeping my two boys are completely the opposite, they couldn't be more different if they tried. When big J was younger he wouldn't sleep at all. He was awake all day and most of the night. We tried everything from getting in to bed with him to sleeping on his floor, anything to try and get a few hours sleep. He was permanently tired and so were we. Little J on the other hand is awake all day and sleeps all night and has done since he was a baby. He went in his own room in his cot and would quite happily fall asleep on his own and still does now. He goes to bed awake and within 10-15 minutes he is snoring.
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Little J's Toddler Days - September

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It's been a few months since I updated Little J's Toddler Days so I have put both August and September together.

This was taken on a day out to Thomas Land - Drayton Manor. These two just love spending time together. It's so lovely to watch

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Natural History Museum Shop - Personalised T-Shirt

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One of the many things I love about being a blogger is finding out about brands, companies or shops that I haven't heard of before. When it comes to buying presents I do like to find unique and special presents and I spend lots of time browsing through google especially around Christmas and birthdays.

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Thomas The Tank Engine Potty Training Books

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Last week we made the first step at potty training little J - we bought a potty. We have left it in the corner of the room just so he can get used to it being there. He knows what it is and what it's for and I think he genuinely wants to use 'a big toilet' as he calls it and he is showing signs.

 He knows when he has done a wee or a poo because he will touch the front of his nappy if he has done a wee and he will come to me with a fresh nappy in his hand. If he does a poo he tells you straight away. He doesn't really like his nappy being wet or soiled so he is always keen to have a nappy change. I know it doesn't bother some children and they will sit with a dirty nappy without letting you know but he's the total opposite. I've took this as a sign that its time to potty train. He has had a few accidents during nappy free time but again when he's wet he won't sit in it he will come straight to me and let me know.
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Letting Your Child Choose New Toys

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I decided to take little J for some new toys recently. He loves toys and he hasn't really had any new ones since his birthday in March. When we arrived at Smyths I told him that he could buy some new toys and he could pick them himself. He was really excited and kept saying 'new toys for me'

Just outside the store was a huge Lego figure so he climbed on and posed for a photo.

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Win An Organix Hamper Worth £25

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If you have read my blog before you may have noticed that little J loves his food. The good thing about him is he will try anything and he usually likes everything he tries. I'm so glad as it's hard work when you have a fussy eater. I love knowing that he will eat home made meals, fruit and vegetables. 

For a treat Little J absolutely loves Organix Goodies. His favourite are Carrot Cake Soft Oaty Bars. Whenever he wants one he says 'cake' its so cute. He has tried most of the Organix goodies range and likes it all. The finger foods are another of his favourites including Tomato Slices. They look just like a pack of crisps and he loves having the control of eating as many or as few as he likes.

 I am so excited to team up with Organix to offer 3 of my lucky readers the chance to win an Organix Hamper worth £25
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Project 365 Days 137-143

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This week has been a busy week but a really fun one. 

137/365 - Today we visited the new Duplo Farm in the Legoland Discovery Centre. It was lots of fun for both big J and little J.
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Project 365 Days 123 - 129

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Double birthday celebrations this week for big J and I. I cannot believe he is a teenager already, where does the time go?

We had a lovely week of presents and parties.

123/365 - The birthday celebrations have begun
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The Transition From Cot To Bed

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I'm not quite sure how it happened but Daddy and I were just talking about little J's room and the next minute we were building his toddler bed. We have had his toddler bed for a little while. We saw it online, liked it and it was on offer so we bought it. To be honest I had no idea when we were going to move little J from his cot to his bed but I wanted to buy it anyway.

toddler in his bedroom

I had googled a few weeks ago about looking out for signs to show when your child is ready. One major sign is them being able to get out of the cot or having a pretty good go at getting their leg over the bars. Little J hasn't done this but he is very tall and this was my main concern. When he stands he does tower over the top. Another sign is not being able to settle in the cot. Up until very recently little J has always slept in a sleeping bag but he has started to look uncomfortable and restricted. We decided to stop putting him in the sleeping bag and he did seem more settled. He obviously wouldn't be able to wear the sleeping bag once he was in the bed anyway so it was time to lose it.

So despite him not showing any sure signs of being ready for the transition we decided to give it a go anyway. We built the bed together, he stayed in the room and watched as it was put together. It didn't take very long and I am really pleased we chose the Disney Cars Toddler Bed

I had read some reviews of toddler beds where parents had said they are a waste of money and eventually they need a bigger bed anyway but I think it is perfect. Its just the right height off the floor so he can climb in and out easily.

We weren't sure what to expect on the first night of him in his own bed. Obviously we knew he would be excited and having the freedom to get in and out of the bed was going to be a novelty, but hopefully that would wear off.

Toddler in his bed

Toddler in his bed

Toddler in his bed

We kept his usually bedtime routine and when it was time to go up to bed we tucked him in, kissed him goodnight and walked towards the door. He seemed fine at first but when we shut his new toddler gate he screamed. He was really upset and was trying to get out. This lasted minutes before he went off and played in his room. We left him for five minutes at a time and then went back in, walking him to his bed, tucking him in, kissing goodnight then leaving. Before we had even closed the gate he was out the bed and playing again.

I did a google search looking for the best way to deal with this but there are so many ideas, tips and advice and to be honest I think you just have to do whats right for you. We did let this continue for longer than I had hoped but on one of the times Daddy went in he didn't get out the bed, he just snuggled in to his teddies and started to drift off to sleep. Phew. He was asleep but for how long?

I actually thought we would hear footsteps during the night or him playing with his toys but he didn't actually get out the bed till morning. I was quite shocked. He did wake a few times during the night but he has been doing that anyway as he is cutting his second molars.

Night two was a little different, we did his bedtime routine as usual but instantly after putting him to bed he was up and out playing. I am not sure whether its right to just let him play so I popped him back in straight away. Infact every time he tried to get out I put him back in. He found this funny at first then he got a little frustrated. I thought eventually he would give up and he did but he gave it a good go. I think this lasted over a hour of me just putting him back in to bed.

I think we will just have to see how this goes. We will keep this going for a few weeks. and we have kept the cot accessible just incase we have to set it up again. If he does have to go back to his cot I won't see it as a step back just he wasn't ready and we will try again when he is a little older. The age range for moving in to a bed is huge. 18-42 months is the average age, little J is only 24 months so we may have gone to early or he may be fine. Only time will tell.

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Why So Clingy?

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This week I have noticed that little J has become very clingy. I thought if he was ever going to have a clingy phase then I thought it would be towards me, but its not its actually Daddy. When there is just the two of us, we play, sing, dance and have lots of fun but when Daddy comes home or enters the room he changes. He becomes upset, whiny and wants Daddy to pick him up all the time. Once Daddy picks him up he stops but then if I try to talk to Daddy or come close little J pushes me away. Its like he wants Daddy all to himself.
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Mr Tumble's Circus Is Coming To Town

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I think if you are a regular reader you will now that we are a huge CBeebies fan and Justin Fletcher / Mr Tumble is a favourite of ours. We recently reviewed his new album and little J loves it.
Last year at Lollibop Justin announced that he was going on tour in 2015 and I was so excited as I knew little J would be a little bit older and would appreciate the show a lot more than he did at Lollibop.
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Toilet Training Made Easier With Andrex

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Very soon we will take the plunge and start to potty train little J. I honestly can't remember potty training big J, he just did it. It wasn't stressful or hard work he just got on with it and I think thats why it hasn't really stuck in mind. It was easy.

Little J is showing some signs that he is ready. He knows when he has done a wee because he will pat his nappy and he will come to me with a fresh nappy in his hand. He doesn't really like his nappy being wet so he is always keen to have a nappy change. He has had a few accidents during nappy free time but again when he's wet he won't sit in it he will come straight to me and let me know.
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What Does Your Toddler Eat?

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Little J will be 2 years old soon and I am not really looking forward to toddler tantrums and fussy eating. Up till now we have had the perfect child. He pleasant, funny, a good sleeper and a really good eater, I don't want it to change.
I am going to keep a note of all, if any changes and blog about them over the next months but just something playing on my mind at the moment is food. I am not 100% sure how much little J should be eating and how often. I have googled but their is so much difference between one toddler to the next.
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Spring Has Sprung

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I am so excited that Spring is finally here. Its actually unusual for me to be so excited about Spring as I do love Winter but this year I am so glad to see this long, cold, wet and miserable Winter finally pass. Since November we have just had one illness after another and I know we weren't the only ones suffering, everyone has been feeling ill, with coughs and colds.
At the weekend I woke up and I felt okay. I couldn't believe it. No sore throat, no cough or cold symptoms, just normal. What a relief. 

boys playing
The sun was shining outside and it was really fresh. We opened the windows and it was lovely to feel the breeze blowing through the house. We had time in the park and the garden and I was excited at the thought of getting all the garden toys out soon.

As its little J's birthday soon we will try and buy a few toys that he can use outside. He is such an outdoor person, he loves it. Our garden isn't huge but there is enough room to have a good play. Towards the back of the garden we have our old trampoline. It was big J's but he doesn't play on it anymore so it will probably be dismantled over the next few months so that will free up a little bit of playing space.

Big J doesn't play with toys in the garden anymore he just uses his goal but around this time of year big J normally tells us about a new scooter or bike that he has seen. He usually gets a new scooter each year for his birthday. The last few years he has chose an electric scooter and they have been perfect for popping in the car and taking out with us on our walks. He also has a stunt scooter which he loves and I think he may choose another one this year.

We bought new garden furniture last year and we got so much use out of it in the Summer. I am hoping we can spend as much time outside this year as we did last. 

So other than a few upgrades we are pretty much ready for Spring.


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Project 365 Days 61-67

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Its been a lovely dry week this week so plenty of chances to head out in the garden for some fresh air.
61/365 - My week got off to a very good start when I lost albs. I started slimming world the week before and I am really enjoying it. I don't actually feel like I am on a diet and I am amazed with my weight loss. I know when you start dieting you always lose more in the first week but its really motivated me to do good.
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Project 365 Days 40-46

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Absolutely gutted that I didn't post my Project 365 last week. I had all the photos ready but with it being half term all my usual routine just went and my blogging took a back seat. Like I said though I do have the photos so will share them below - a week late but better late than never.

40/365 - More hospital apps this week for little J.

41/365 - An X-Ray and a visit to the plastic surgeon and little J is now on the list for a toe operation. Really hope it works this time.

42/365 - Cookies and Cream - My favourite.

43/365 - We have the wii back Yay. Our old one died a few months ago so we now have a new one.

44/365 - A day early but Daddy and I watched Valentine's Day. Love this movie.

45/365 - Valentines Day. Swell as some other presents Daddy bought me a dozen beautiful Red Roses 

46/365 - This was the last of my valentines day chocolates. Little J bit right through the wrapper and then ate it.

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Project 365 Days 26-32

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 Here is our Project 365 for this week. Can't believe we are in February already.

26/365 - There are lots of bugs going round at the moment so Daddy steamed the house from top to bottom.

27/365 - Little J has been testing out Peppa Pig's - Grandpa Pig's Holiday Boat. Keep and eye out for our review.

28/365 - Big J enjoying a nice pre birthday meal with his Grandad

29/365 - Today is my Dad's birthday. We gave him his presents and ate some cake.

30/365 - Little J's new shoes and leg cast arrived at the hospital today so we went to collect them both. I know they don't look like the nicest pair of shoes but if it they fit around his toe and support his walking then thats all that matters.

31/365 - Today was a tidy the house day while big J went the cinema with his friends to see Big Hero 6

32/365 - We found some leftover snow today so little J decided to dive in it, head first. 

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"I Want It And I Want It Now"

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Little J is approaching 22 months and although I know it's another 2 months yet till we hit the terrible twos, I'm starting to see a little sneak preview of what's to come. Recently he has wanted everything that everyone else has and when he doesn't get it he will cry or scream and it's hard not to give in but I have to be strong and start to teach him to share. 
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