Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts

Time Tokens - Keeping Track Of Screen Time

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Deciding how much screen time you allow your child to have is definitely a personal choice and should not be judged by others. We decide how much screen time little J can have depending on the day he has had already, the time of day and also as a reward if he has been good. I recently came across Time Tokens and after reading about them I knew this would help us as a visual for little J to remember how much screen time he is allowed per day. 

Time Tokens

Created by Amanda, Time Tokens were designed so we could try and keep track at how long our children are using computers, phones, iPads etc. Using the time tokens we can control how much screen time our children use.

Each Time Tokens pack contains 

Time Tokens

Time Tokens Wallet - Perfect for your child to take responsibility for their own Time Tokens.

A Timer - Just like a stopwatch.

Time Tokens

Time Tokens - They come in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes which we have used for little J.

Time Tokens
60 minute Time Tokens are perfect for big J.

Time Tokens Promise Contract - This allows you to work on the expectations of your child and also agree how much screen time / Time Tokens they will be allowed each week.

Time Tokens

A Golden Time Token - This will hopefully encourage your child to stick to their side of the agreement. If they do they will get a special reward.

Time Tokens

The Frazzles - These are so cute.  Every Time Token features a Frazzle on the reverse. They tell you all about the things they love to do when they are away from screens.

Instructions - Easy and simple.

How Do They Work?
Little J doesn't have a set screen time amount however we have been using the time tokens just to keep track on how much he does use it. The timer is particularly useful to show how long he has left. When we say 10 minute left he can track the time and finish what he is doing. 

I have to say that it has worked really well and it's nice that he can earn a Golden Ticket. We will let little J use the Golden Ticket for a reward of his choice.

Time Tokens are a great way to keep a track of screen time and also a way to reward good behaviour too. They would be particular useful for parents of children who struggle to control their screen time use.

If you found this post useful there are a few ways that you could say thanks and support Playdays and Runways.

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Time Tokens Giveaway

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For the past week we have been using Time Tokens and I have to say I am so impressed with how well they have worked. If you haven't heard of Time Tokens before you can read our review and if you like the idea too you can enter for the chance to win your very own pack.

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What You Need To Know When Potty Training.

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Potty training comes naturally to some children and their parents, some find it quite a struggle. It's easy to say that it will happen and things will just click one day but if you are a parent of a child that doesn't seem to 'get it' then it can be a challenge.

potty train

When you decide it's time to potty train you have to be prepared that it may not happen overnight. It can take days, weeks and even months for some children. It's best to clear your schedule and make sure you have the time and energy to see it through. The first few days/ weeks can be the worst so some choose to do it while they have time off work or when the siblings are in school. This means that your child and the potty are your only focus. 

The fact that you have decided to potty train could be for a number of reasons. The child's age, the child is showing signs they are ready (knowing when they have had a wee or poo in their nappy) or it could be that other children of a similar age amongst friends or family are potty training. Unfortunately none of these may mean your child is ready you just have to go with what's best for you, take the leap and see where you end up. 

Using the potty is a huge milestone so you may want to use a reward system that works for you and your child. We used cars with little J as he was never bothered about stickers whilst other children love reward sticker charts. 

There are lots of different potties available, some with characters on, some are musical and others are just brightly coloured. Choose a potty you know your child will like or even better if they can pick it themselves. 

Talk to your child about the potty and what it's for. There are lots of children's books on potty training that are fun with great illustrations. Visuals really work for some children. 

Be supportive at all times. Accidents will happen. Try not to get upset or angry no matter how frustrated you are. It can really knock a child's confidence. If you react angrily when they have an accident they may start to hold it in and that could be really bad for them.

Make the decision of whether you will go for pull ups or underwear. In my opinion I always think underwear is best. You have taken the plunge to potty train and get rid of the nappy so why put a pull up on? To me I don't understand how a child would know the difference between a nappy and a pull up. They look and feel the same. Having said that I know lots of children that have had great success wearing pull-ups but my tip is to stick to underwear. They can feel if they have had an accident, and I can guarantee they won't like that feeling of wee dripping down their leg. You never know it might make them think twice next time.

Knowing your childs toilet routine for a poo is really important. Some children go at the same time every day or they will go to a certain spot in the house. If they have a routine you can then be ready to guide them to the potty just before to prevent accidents. 

When potty training children seem to get the hang of going for a wee easier than a poo. It's important to make sure they are still doing their poo because if they are not they can become severely blocked and it could become a medical issue. If your child isn't ready to poo on the potty you need to make the decision of putting a nappy back on them, on or around the time they usually go. They just might not be ready for this stage and that is normal.

I really hope these tips will help you on your potty training journey

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Little J's Toddler Days - October

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October has been and gone and it will soon be Christmas. Little J has had a lovely October, here are a few of his highlights.

two boys meeting Bing Bunny at Hamleys
Meeting Bing Bunny
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Halloween - Don't Get Tricked By Treats

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Halloween in almost here and just like the kids I am really excited. I love Halloween and for us it's the start of the countdown to Christmas, Halloween, then Bonfire Night and then before you know it Christmas is here. Although Halloween is lots of fun with chocolate and sweets you will have to make sure your little ones don't get tricked by treats
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Daddy Changes Nappies Too.

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I honestly cannot remember changing big J's nappy when we were out and about, it was 13 years ago and I can't remember whether there was a problem or not. Nowadays I am so aware that some changing room facilities are only located in the ladies which can cause a problem for Daddy when he is out and about. Daddy changes nappies too so its surprising how many places just don't cater for this.

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Little J's Toddler Days - September

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It's been a few months since I updated Little J's Toddler Days so I have put both August and September together.

This was taken on a day out to Thomas Land - Drayton Manor. These two just love spending time together. It's so lovely to watch

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Pampers Wonder Week

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The 1st October 2015 at 10am marks the launch of Pampers Wonder Week and I am really excited. You all know I like looking for deals and bargains and I am always happy to 'stock up' if the price is right. So when I heard about Pampers Wonder Week I was keen to find out more. Pampers are offering amazing savings for a whole seven days, with wonderful deals that shouldn't be missed.

Pampers Jumbo Pack
 I buy jumbo packs which can help save some pennies

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How To Make Sure Your Children Are Healthy And Happy

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Disclosure - this is a collaborative post

When you’re raising children, regardless of how old they are their health remains a top priority. A child’s health encompasses many things: their diet, exercise as well as their emotional wellbeing. It can be tough to juggle these concerns simultaneously and yet by managing to do so can only mean that you are doing the best for your child. Like anything else, practice makes perfect and parenting offers lots of chances for practice!

Here are some tips for ensuring your little ones stay fighting fit.

boy and man painting

Encourage them to eat their vegetables from a young age

It can be tough getting your children to take an interest in healthy eating if you don’t start early. A fun way to ensure that your little ones enjoy their food is to make sure that you yourself don’t see healthy eating as a chore, but rather something that can be fun and enjoyable. Cutting their vegetables into funny shapes can help when they’re reluctant to try something new. Similarly, appreciating the various colours and textures of vegetables can help – if your children don’t like peas, try something else! There’s no point trying to force them to love something but with so much variety of vegetables available, there’s bound to be something that they will enjoy!

boy on an exercise machine
Keep an active lifestyle 

Whether it’s walking to school instead of driving or treating yourself to a quick swim in the evening it is vital that your children learn the importance of keeping active from a young age. If they show an interest in a sport or hobby, encourage them to practice it and take an active interest in it yourself. This will not only help them develop confidence but will also help your relationship as parent and child.

Have their own mind

Unfortunately as our children get older they can become involved with smoking, vaping and other things. However schools are taking this seriously installing vape detector to try and minimise this. 

Follow your own advice

Like any of the ideas I’ve listed, the key to making sure your children realise the wisdom behind them is to employ them yourself. There’s no point asking your children to be active and conscientious of other people’s feelings if at the end of the day you ignore your own advice!

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Thomas The Tank Engine Potty Training Books

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Last week we made the first step at potty training little J - we bought a potty. We have left it in the corner of the room just so he can get used to it being there. He knows what it is and what it's for and I think he genuinely wants to use 'a big toilet' as he calls it and he is showing signs.

 He knows when he has done a wee or a poo because he will touch the front of his nappy if he has done a wee and he will come to me with a fresh nappy in his hand. If he does a poo he tells you straight away. He doesn't really like his nappy being wet or soiled so he is always keen to have a nappy change. I know it doesn't bother some children and they will sit with a dirty nappy without letting you know but he's the total opposite. I've took this as a sign that its time to potty train. He has had a few accidents during nappy free time but again when he's wet he won't sit in it he will come straight to me and let me know.
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Letting Your Child Choose New Toys

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I decided to take little J for some new toys recently. He loves toys and he hasn't really had any new ones since his birthday in March. When we arrived at Smyths I told him that he could buy some new toys and he could pick them himself. He was really excited and kept saying 'new toys for me'

Just outside the store was a huge Lego figure so he climbed on and posed for a photo.

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Toddler Tantrum In Public

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little boy crying
Although little J is a toddler this post isn't about him as he hasn't hit the terrible two's yet although I am waiting for the day that my little cheeky monkey turns into a little monster. No, this is a post about another child that I just so happened to see outside a supermarket recently.
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What's In Our Caboodle Everyday Changing Bag

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I know once our babies reach the toddler stage some Mummy's change their changing bag to maybe a character rucksack or something smaller. I prefer to still have a changing bag because I still need enough space to fit all his essentials. This week we have been trying out Caboodle Everyday Changing Bag and we love it. Firstly its not too big because some changing bags are so huge that they become impractical for a Mum on the go, but you can fit so much inside.

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What To Pack In A Teenager's Suitcase

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Big J has just arrived home from his third trip abroad without us. Its so weird to think he has experienced parts of the world without us. He has been to Rue in France for 5 days, Skiing for a whole week and last week he went to Spain for 5 days.

When it came to packing his suitcase he really wasn't interested at all. I think thats a boy thing because Daddy doesn't like packing either. They both are just happy to watch me do it. I did make a list of things he needed to make it easier for him but I still ended up doing it.

First I packed his hand luggage. He didn't have much in it as the school already had his Passport, EHIC and Euros. His hand luggage just had his phone, earphones, wallet containing some english money for the airport and plane and a book.

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The Puberty Talk

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I may have already mentioned it a few hundred times already but I still can't believe I have a teenager. Its crazy as I still think I am a teenager at times and especially with my obsession with Disney I'm like a big kid. I know we will have to tweak our parenting skills a little over the next few years because being a teenager is hard work and I know big J will say and do things he won't mean. We will have to remember that his body is going through massive changes and this will effect him emotional, mentally and physically.

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The Transition From Cot To Bed

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I'm not quite sure how it happened but Daddy and I were just talking about little J's room and the next minute we were building his toddler bed. We have had his toddler bed for a little while. We saw it online, liked it and it was on offer so we bought it. To be honest I had no idea when we were going to move little J from his cot to his bed but I wanted to buy it anyway.

toddler in his bedroom

I had googled a few weeks ago about looking out for signs to show when your child is ready. One major sign is them being able to get out of the cot or having a pretty good go at getting their leg over the bars. Little J hasn't done this but he is very tall and this was my main concern. When he stands he does tower over the top. Another sign is not being able to settle in the cot. Up until very recently little J has always slept in a sleeping bag but he has started to look uncomfortable and restricted. We decided to stop putting him in the sleeping bag and he did seem more settled. He obviously wouldn't be able to wear the sleeping bag once he was in the bed anyway so it was time to lose it.

So despite him not showing any sure signs of being ready for the transition we decided to give it a go anyway. We built the bed together, he stayed in the room and watched as it was put together. It didn't take very long and I am really pleased we chose the Disney Cars Toddler Bed

I had read some reviews of toddler beds where parents had said they are a waste of money and eventually they need a bigger bed anyway but I think it is perfect. Its just the right height off the floor so he can climb in and out easily.

We weren't sure what to expect on the first night of him in his own bed. Obviously we knew he would be excited and having the freedom to get in and out of the bed was going to be a novelty, but hopefully that would wear off.

Toddler in his bed

Toddler in his bed

Toddler in his bed

We kept his usually bedtime routine and when it was time to go up to bed we tucked him in, kissed him goodnight and walked towards the door. He seemed fine at first but when we shut his new toddler gate he screamed. He was really upset and was trying to get out. This lasted minutes before he went off and played in his room. We left him for five minutes at a time and then went back in, walking him to his bed, tucking him in, kissing goodnight then leaving. Before we had even closed the gate he was out the bed and playing again.

I did a google search looking for the best way to deal with this but there are so many ideas, tips and advice and to be honest I think you just have to do whats right for you. We did let this continue for longer than I had hoped but on one of the times Daddy went in he didn't get out the bed, he just snuggled in to his teddies and started to drift off to sleep. Phew. He was asleep but for how long?

I actually thought we would hear footsteps during the night or him playing with his toys but he didn't actually get out the bed till morning. I was quite shocked. He did wake a few times during the night but he has been doing that anyway as he is cutting his second molars.

Night two was a little different, we did his bedtime routine as usual but instantly after putting him to bed he was up and out playing. I am not sure whether its right to just let him play so I popped him back in straight away. Infact every time he tried to get out I put him back in. He found this funny at first then he got a little frustrated. I thought eventually he would give up and he did but he gave it a good go. I think this lasted over a hour of me just putting him back in to bed.

I think we will just have to see how this goes. We will keep this going for a few weeks. and we have kept the cot accessible just incase we have to set it up again. If he does have to go back to his cot I won't see it as a step back just he wasn't ready and we will try again when he is a little older. The age range for moving in to a bed is huge. 18-42 months is the average age, little J is only 24 months so we may have gone to early or he may be fine. Only time will tell.

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Why So Clingy?

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This week I have noticed that little J has become very clingy. I thought if he was ever going to have a clingy phase then I thought it would be towards me, but its not its actually Daddy. When there is just the two of us, we play, sing, dance and have lots of fun but when Daddy comes home or enters the room he changes. He becomes upset, whiny and wants Daddy to pick him up all the time. Once Daddy picks him up he stops but then if I try to talk to Daddy or come close little J pushes me away. Its like he wants Daddy all to himself.
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What Does Your Toddler Eat?

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Little J will be 2 years old soon and I am not really looking forward to toddler tantrums and fussy eating. Up till now we have had the perfect child. He pleasant, funny, a good sleeper and a really good eater, I don't want it to change.
I am going to keep a note of all, if any changes and blog about them over the next months but just something playing on my mind at the moment is food. I am not 100% sure how much little J should be eating and how often. I have googled but their is so much difference between one toddler to the next.
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Baby Tips - Sleep

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Last month I became an Aunty for the very first time, its so exciting. Baby A is absolutely gorgeous and I knew as soon as I saw my little nephew I would become all broody and want another baby. I love babies and I would have lots if I could but for now I am going to concentrate on being the best Aunty ever.
When you hold a new baby you can never remember your own being 'that small'. Little J looked huge compared to Baby A and it made me smile because it really wasn't that long ago that he was just a baby.
I started thinking back to the first few days we brought little J home. He was such a good baby and was never any trouble at all really. He was such a routined baby right from the start, he loved his sleep. Thinking back I know that made the first few months so much easier than we could ever of hoped for. 
 When we had big J almost 13 years ago now we didn't really have a clue what we were doing. He had no routine really and because we were working, trying to save for a house we used to try and squeeze in as much time as possible so we didn't miss out seeing him. 
Looking back now it was a tough time with very little sleep but we did okay and he did grow out of it eventually. 
I think being a parent for the second time you do learn from your mistakes and we made sure with little J that we were well prepared.
Here are a few things we used. Although he was a perfect little sleeper I'm sure these helped get him in to a routine and have full nights sleep .

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"I Want It And I Want It Now"

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Little J is approaching 22 months and although I know it's another 2 months yet till we hit the terrible twos, I'm starting to see a little sneak preview of what's to come. Recently he has wanted everything that everyone else has and when he doesn't get it he will cry or scream and it's hard not to give in but I have to be strong and start to teach him to share. 
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