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Pampers Celebrates #Everybaby

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As you will know little J has just become a fully fledged toddler when he celebrated his 2nd birthday last month. Amongst the planning of his presents and how we were going to celebrate I found myself thinking back to his birth, it was his 'birth' day after all. We had waited for little J for so long and I was so nervous, scared but ultimately excited to meet him. Due to our previous history I was induced and although at the time I thought it would take away the surprise of going into labour, it didn't really.

I was induced first thing on the Tuesday and he came almost 48 hours later on the Wednesday evening. I loved being in labour, although while I was experiencing it, I wanted it to be over with as soon as possible, at the end I got little J and it was worth all the pain. I had a smile from ear to ear that day and he has made me smile everyday since.

On the same day that the nation celebrates one special birth, Pampers partners with award winning director to celebrate #everybaby

Looking back to 2013 - Little J
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Dr Oetker Launch #freshnessfrozen Campaign

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Being a Mummy my whole attitude towards food has changed. I have to think about my family when I make food choices now and I want to make sure that what I prepare and cook for my boys is fresh and healthy.

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How to form (and stick to) good habits

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While we like to pat ourselves on the back for turning down a bit of cake every once in a while, the truth is that one time occurrences have a negligible effect on our long-term health and happiness. For those of us wishing to improve our lives, good habits are the key - patterns of behaviour that we can form and stick with for long periods of time.

I've set myself a goal to lose 2st before the summer. I had to give myself enough time to lose such a large amount because I needed it to be realistic and achievable
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Alternative Easter Gifts

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When it comes to Easter I honestly feel sick sometimes with just how much chocolate we have in the house. Daddy, Big J and Little J love it but for me I would prefer to leave the chocolate in the shop where it belongs. 
The more chocolate we have the less I eat so it does wonders for my diet I suppose. If like me you don't like too much chocolate or prefer to give an alternative Easter gift check out my recommendations below.
Available now from George at Asda stores nationwide, the adorable T-shirt pictures Tatty Teddy wearing bunny ears and surrounded by Easter eggs.

RRP £5

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My Mumisms

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Yesterday after I had spoke to big J I thought to myself - I sound just like my Mum. It was in a good way and it made me giggle because I remember little things my Mum would say when I was younger that her Mum had said to her, now I'm saying them to my two.
We all have little sayings and quotes we use but I actually realised today just how many I do say and most of them are from my Mum.
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Spring Has Sprung

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I am so excited that Spring is finally here. Its actually unusual for me to be so excited about Spring as I do love Winter but this year I am so glad to see this long, cold, wet and miserable Winter finally pass. Since November we have just had one illness after another and I know we weren't the only ones suffering, everyone has been feeling ill, with coughs and colds.
At the weekend I woke up and I felt okay. I couldn't believe it. No sore throat, no cough or cold symptoms, just normal. What a relief. 

boys playing
The sun was shining outside and it was really fresh. We opened the windows and it was lovely to feel the breeze blowing through the house. We had time in the park and the garden and I was excited at the thought of getting all the garden toys out soon.

As its little J's birthday soon we will try and buy a few toys that he can use outside. He is such an outdoor person, he loves it. Our garden isn't huge but there is enough room to have a good play. Towards the back of the garden we have our old trampoline. It was big J's but he doesn't play on it anymore so it will probably be dismantled over the next few months so that will free up a little bit of playing space.

Big J doesn't play with toys in the garden anymore he just uses his goal but around this time of year big J normally tells us about a new scooter or bike that he has seen. He usually gets a new scooter each year for his birthday. The last few years he has chose an electric scooter and they have been perfect for popping in the car and taking out with us on our walks. He also has a stunt scooter which he loves and I think he may choose another one this year.

We bought new garden furniture last year and we got so much use out of it in the Summer. I am hoping we can spend as much time outside this year as we did last. 

So other than a few upgrades we are pretty much ready for Spring.


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Daddy keeps up with the new Panasonic TV technology

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It wasn't long ago that Daddy had set his alarm on his phone to remind him about the XBOX One Convention. It was streaming live across the world to show off the new console that was eagerly awaited by millions. I remember how exited he was when it started to stream from the xbox 360 on to our TV. If I remember rightly there was a man showing off all what this new console could do. I'm not up on technology but I do remember thinking "wow! A console can do all that?"
Daddy on the other hand is very in to technology he loves it, he needs it and he is always wanting to upgrade. Consoles, phones, computers, TV's, everything that can be upgraded really. You may remember he went to Play Expo last year. He took big J and they had an amazing time. Everything was retro and mainly arcade machines so I couldn't think of anything that he would see there that he would want...I was wrong.
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Another Appliance Bites The Dust

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It's that time in life where all our appliances seem to die at the same time. Why?
Our cooker is soon to be the next victim and go to the appliances heaven in the sky with our fridge and washing machine that went up not that long ago.
We bought a new fridge about 6 months ago because our old one really was on it's last legs and now everything else seems to need an upgrade too.
Top of the list towards the end of last year was a new washing machine. We went shopping to have a browse as I like to see the washing machines actually in store, but I would usually order online. 
I liked the look of the Panasonic Washing Machines, LCD and touch buttons made our old machine look ancient. Having two kids now means more washing so we did have to look at a bigger load capacity.
We did find one which was so much better than our old one. You can load 3kg more, it's got a nice display screen, child lock, wash delay timer and all other little add ons. Ours is really out of date compared to the newer models.
It cost an extra £90 for someone to come and fit it. When we paid Daddy noticed a difference in the price by £18, when he asked the lady she said that was for delivery. So £18 to deliver on top of the £90 for some to come and fit it. £108 extra on top of the price quoted. This seemed a lot to me but Daddy said you always get charged extra for delivery and fitting.
While we were there big and little J both went to look at the TVs, I know Daddy would love a new TV but unfortunately its not a priority on our list of new things we need. 
Big J was watching a programme on a TV that cost nearly £3,000. I don't think we will be getting that one.
Little J was just crawling everywhere. The shop was empty and there were more staff than customers so he was happy up and down the aisles.
Then big J decided he was going to chase after little J so I had the pair of them crawling around the TV displays.
When the men came to deliver the washing machine they also said they will take our old one away for us. I felt ashamed when the pulled the washing machine out. It looked really old and grubby and it was all dirty and dusty behind the machine. 
Once fitted I couldn't wait to try it out. I loaded it up and on it went. As you may have read here, little J loves the washing machine and he was keen to see the new one in action. 
Also on our list of things to buy are a hoover, lawn mower, strimmer, buggy, and then possible a new TV to keep the boys happy.
Do you find everything dies at the same time? 
What's top of your 'needs replacing' list?
*Published in conjunction with Panasonic*
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A Perfect Smile

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If there is one thing I would love to change about myself it would have to be my fear of the dentist. I have been scared of the dentist for as long as I can remember and I would love to completely conquer that fear one day. I say completely conquer my fear because I have to admit it isn't as bad now as it was. As I have grown up and got older I realise it probably isn't the horrendous experience as I used to think but I do still walk in the room with butterflies and my tummy churns every time I sit down in the chair. 
Having that fear means my teeth are not as good as what they should or could of been. I will go the dentist for check ups and I have had work done on my teeth over the years but I probably leave it too long in between but that is something I am working on because I would love a nice smile showing off lovely straight teeth.
I have looked trying to get that perfect smile before and I have considered braces in the past and it would be something I would have if the dentist recommended it. There are so many different procedures you can get now to give you that smile you always wished for and I would have to opt the easiest option available. 
I have been looking at fastbraces recently. Although its a new fixed brace treatment its actually been in development for over 20 years. It appealed to me straight away because it promises speedy results and a beautiful straight smile. Fast braces are able to produce the same results as fixed braces but in half the time so around 12 months. Using state of the art materials enables the braces to work quickly and painlessly. This would be a perfect combination for me.
Daddy had braces when he was younger and his teeth are lovely and straight. He is confident to smile with his mouth open and teeth showing whereas I prefer to smile with my mouth closed. I try not to let my fear of the dentist effect my two monkeys because going the dentist is such an important part of life. Luckily they both have lovely teeth and enjoy going the dentist. I hope it stays that way.
*collaboration with Sensu*
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Energy Saving Awareness with LED Planet

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Now that we have darker mornings and it goes dark earlier in the evenings we have had our lights on a lot more than normal. Back in October we switched most of our bulbs over to LED lights which prove to save on energy, bills and don't need to be replaced as often. We started my using an LED Lamp in little J's room and it was perfect so that's when we made the switch.

After reading about energy saving I cam across LED planet which have a wide range of products. I have to admit that while at first I thought that LED lighting seemed a little more expensive than normal bulbs I now realise that over the long term it's definately a money saver and I wouldn't switch back. 

Whilst browsing the website I came across this infographic and I thought it would be a great read for those that are still unsure about making the switch to LED lighting.

*in collaboration with LED planet*
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We Are Trying To Keep Fit This Winter

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This morning when I woke up I actually thought it was the middle of the night. It was so dark outside but when I looked at the clock it was actually 6:30am. The dark mornings and dark nights are approaching fast and very soon it will be dark by 5pm.
Its so easy to come home from work or school and pop on your Pjs and veg out on the sofa in front of the TV. I still like to keep motivated in the winter because I can easily pile on the pounds so I know if I don't stay active I start feeling sluggish and grumpy.
I actually like going out in the cold dark evening even if its just a quick trip to the park before teatime. It may sound weird but I like to be out and about when its cold rather than when its warm. I am not to keen on the heat.
I have mentioned it before HERE that our local parks have outside gym equipment which you can use in any weather and its free. There is a variety to choose from and even if you just do the recommended amount on each one that can be 30 mins and it really doesn't feel like it. Big J goes on them and he loves them. He thinks its fun and doesn't realise he's actually exercising.
Big J and Daddy go for a nice run most nights and when they return home I can always feel the cold on them but they feel refreshed. Big J usually wears astro trainers but we recently got a pair of running shoes from Sports Shoes to help support his ankles when he's running. He loves them and they are so light.
We also like to visit on our local swimming pool at weekends too. Swimming is great for all over fitness and again lots of fun. Little J absolutely loves the water just like his big brother. They are definitely water babies.
Do you like to keep fit in winter?
*in collaboration with Sports Shoes*
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VELUX & Disney Dream Collection

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I often think to myself that if I could I would have a Disney house. A house just filled with Disney items. If you read my blog you know I am just Disney mad and although my collection of Disney items and memorabilia is expanding all the time there is just so much out there to choose from. I don't think it will ever end. You can literally get a Disney version of everything and I love it. 
Whether you want to decorate your house with Disney wallpaper, Disney bedding or Disney furniture it's out there to buy. Today I spotted something I haven't seen before and I'm a little excited. Disney has teamed up with VELUX to create a Disney & VELUX Dream Blind Collection 
There are 12 exciting designs to choose from and although I love Mickey, Minnie, Bambi and Winnie the Pooh I would have to choose a Princess blind. I had a browse through the collection and they are so lovely. I don't think Daddy would be happy with a princess blind on our bedroom window but I know little J would love a Mickey one. 
Each VELUX & Disney Dream Collection blackout blind design is unique and tailored specifically to the size and shape of the window. The fact that it's a blackout blind is perfect for daytime naps. Little J doesn't like sleeping with the light shining through so this would be great for his room.
It's important to note that no harmful chemicals are used while creating the VELUX & Disney blind. Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 material testing goes far beyond existing national legislation for health protection.
After reading about the blind I clicked on the link to configure my dream blind and it was really simple to use. I chose my window type and window size. There is a guide to help with this if required. Once that was done, it brought up the options for the design. On the right hand side it generated the price, based on what I asked for.
I am so impressed with the blinds and I will definitely consider one for little J's room. Which one would you choose?

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Wool Overs Celebrates 25 Years

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I have said it before but Autumn / Winter is my most favourite time of year. I love shopping for new clothes when the cold weather starts to creep in because it means I can buy nice warm jumpers, cardigans and jumper dresses to keep me warm and cosy. I love wrapping up warm on a cold wintery day. I recently found Woolovers website and I was so impressed with their choice of knitwear. 
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Have You Tried Laser Hair Removal?

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Laser hair removal is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Its safe to do and its virtually painless so maybe that's why people are choosing to remove any unwanted hair this way. I have heard many celebrities have chose laser hair removal but I have never tried it, have you?
I was browsing Sk:n and I came across the section on laser hair removal. They have a process they follow to help review your progress and ensure you know how to maintain hair-free skin.
Its done in steps as shown above.
First you are invited to a consultation including test patches and a personalised treatment plan.
Then you will receive your treatments
At your 4th treatment appointment you will receive a review of  your progress.
After your last treatment you will then be invited back for a +1 reward treatment where they will assess the results and give you a free deep exfoliating glycolic peel which is value at £80.
The process is very simple. An experienced member of staff will provide goggles for you to wear to protect your eyes. The laser is attracted to the dark pigment in hair called melanin. The hair must be at a certain stage of growth cycle for it to be effective.
Once done cold air of gel will be applied to the skin. Lasering can take between 15-45 minutes depending on the area.
Repeat treatments will be every 4-6 weeks for around 8 months. this is to achieve the best results.
Laser hair removal is available for any unwanted hair including
Upper Lip,
With the most popular treatment prices starting at from £45 you can visit the website HERE to view the full range, including venues and prices.
*in collaboration with sk:n*
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I'm a #MorrisonsMum Thanks To BritMums | AD

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Disclosure - We were gifted £80 Morrisons vouchers for the purpose of this post.

£80 morrisons vouchers
I was so thrilled and honoured last week when BritMum's made me a Morrisons Mum. I was so excited when I opened my envelope and inside was a lovely letter telling me I had been chosen. Enclosed was £80 worth of vouchers for me to spend on May Bank Holiday Weekend.
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PS4 Peripherals | AD

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Disclosure - This is a paid collaboration. 
Black Playstation 4 Console, PS4, Sony, controller
Being a big gamer I was excited to be fortunate enough to be able to secure a PS4 for launch date in the UK.  One of the things I really enjoy with a new console is the unboxing, opening of console and add on PS4 peripherals, and then taking my time to get the set up perfect ready for the first switch on.  
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