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Top Tips for Planning a Good Birthday for Your Child

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Planning your child's birthday can be a challenge. All you want is for them to have fun. To help you on your journey, here are some top tips for planning a good birthday for your child. 

birthday cake

Consider What Your Child Likes 
It is easy to think that a standard birthday party is the best thing to do for your child’s birthday or buy the trending toy. However, you must tune into your child and consider what they like and especially what they don’t like. Some parents make the mistake of making assumptions based on trends or what other children are doing. Make some time to speak to your child to learn more about them and their current interests. Your child's interests will likely change regularly, which can make it difficult to plan. Listen to them, ask questions and even ask them straight up what they want for their birthday. This will make it a lot easier and ensure that you can make your child happy on their special day. 

Find The Perfect Gift 
Gifts play a key part of a birthday for children, so you must find the perfect gift. It is important to know as a parent that money shouldn’t matter. What matters is the gift itself. It can be very difficult with parents earning different money and having different values. Children don’t quite understand and it can be difficult when children are getting different valued presents for their birthday, and can leave your children asking for more or higher ticket items. It can be a good idea to speak to your children about money and gifts. It is also helpful to get personal and specific when it comes to gifts. This means that when your child opens the gift, they will be too excited about the present because it is something of interest to them, so the value of it does not matter. Think about their interests. For example, if your child enjoys football, then you may like to get them a mystery shirt in a box

Plan Something Fun
When you have considered what your child likes and does not like, you can use this information to plan something fun. For your child, this might be a themed birthday party where you invite all their friends and have a day of activities and games. For other children, this might be their worst nightmare. This is why you must do some digging and fact-finding first. The last thing you want to do is surprise your child with something they don’t want to do. If your child does not want a birthday party, then you may choose to set something more low-key up. This might be an experience day doing something they enjoy, for example, at a football stadium tour, with a mountain bike or at a science museum. Do some research on what your child enjoys and see what you can plan around it. 

Your child's birthday should be special. You don’t need loads of money to make it fun, you just need to know what your child likes and you can go from there. Follow these top tips to help you. 


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How To Make December Birthdays Special

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As you probably know Christmas starts showing up in stores from September and it's pretty hard to keep away from it especially when you start hearing Christmas songs as you're walking round doing your weekly shop. I always think birthdays that are in the last quarter of the year must be tough, especially December birthdays. You have to wait all year for your special day then Christmas is just around the corner too. It must also be hard as a parent or family member to come up with children's gift ideas for both birthday and Christmas in the same month. I think those that celebrate their birthdays in December should have lots of extra fuss and here are some ideas on how to make December birthdays special.

Happy Birthday sign

No Christmas Until The Birthday Is Over

This may be tough to do if the birthday is in the second half of the month but I think if the birthday is within the first two weeks of December there should be no Christmas until the birthday is over. Make sure you have lots of birthday banners, balloons and other party decorations for the birthday boy or girl. If the birthday falls in the last two weeks of December make sure you still put up lots of birthday decorations, banners and balloons as well as your Christmas decorations. 

Give The Same Amount Of Presents You Would For Any Birthday

Christmas time can be very expensive but it's important not to give the birthday boy or girl less than you would if the birthday was at another time of year. They have waited all year for their birthday and just because Christmas is in the same month they still want lots of presents. 

Keep The Birthday And Christmas Separate 

When buying birthday and Christmas presents make sure you keep the presents separate and use both Christmas and birthday wrapping paper for the gifts. Try to stay away from seasonal gifts too, keep them for Christmas. 

birthday party

Plan A Birthday Party

We all like people to make a fuss about us on our birthdays and what better way than to have a birthday party. The weather in December is likely to be cold so you can choose to throw a birthday party in the house, hire a party venue or if it's for the kids then there are lots of indoor play centres that have great party packages. 

Most Importantly Plan

Planning is the most important part of making a December birthday special. 

Presents become harder to buy in December as there is such a huge demand especially for the most popular items. Make sure you buy well in advance to prevent disappointment. 

Make sure you have birthday cards and wrapping paper bought in plenty of time before the shops are overrun with Christmas. 

Birthday cakes can also be hard to find, maybe decide to bake one instead. 

If you are planning on hosting a birthday party make sure you get your invites out super early as December is such a busy time for everyone, give people plenty of notice. 

I'm sure those that celebrate their birthdays in December don't mind as they are used to it but it's always nice to be made a fuss of no matter the month.


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Parenting | Venue Ideas For Kids Parties

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Little J hasn't had a proper birthday party yet but we will definitely be planning something for his 6th birthday next year. He received another birthday invitation last week to a play centre that we haven't been to before so he is looking forward to that. It got me thinking that over the years we have had so many different types of birthday parties for big J and I'm looking forward to planning lots of parties for little J as he grows. I have had a think about our top venue ideas for kids parties.
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Cardooo Cards Giveaway

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Last week we had two birthday celebrations to enjoy, so it was perfect timing to receive some Cardooo Cards. Cardooo Cards that are available exclusively through Asda and they are more than just a greeting card.

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Birthday Soccer Blast At Goals

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Big J has had a birthday party most years and we have done everything from bowling to a double decker play bus outside our house. I love birthday parties but I guessed this year big J wouldn't want a 'party' as he will be 13 soon and maybe he would want to just do something with a few of his friends. I was almost right he did want to do something with his friends but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I guess its not cool to have a birthday party with balloons and stuff when you are turning 13.

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Brewers Fayre Birthday Meal

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To help celebrate having two birthdays back to back in May, we had a lovely family meal at Brewers Fayre. We have been to Brewers Fayre many times over the years and like most pubs and restaurants they are constantly improving the menu so it was nice to try out their Chef's Counter.

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Project 365 Days 123 - 129

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Double birthday celebrations this week for big J and I. I cannot believe he is a teenager already, where does the time go?

We had a lovely week of presents and parties.

123/365 - The birthday celebrations have begun
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Project 365 Days 26-32

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 Here is our Project 365 for this week. Can't believe we are in February already.

26/365 - There are lots of bugs going round at the moment so Daddy steamed the house from top to bottom.

27/365 - Little J has been testing out Peppa Pig's - Grandpa Pig's Holiday Boat. Keep and eye out for our review.

28/365 - Big J enjoying a nice pre birthday meal with his Grandad

29/365 - Today is my Dad's birthday. We gave him his presents and ate some cake.

30/365 - Little J's new shoes and leg cast arrived at the hospital today so we went to collect them both. I know they don't look like the nicest pair of shoes but if it they fit around his toe and support his walking then thats all that matters.

31/365 - Today was a tidy the house day while big J went the cinema with his friends to see Big Hero 6

32/365 - We found some leftover snow today so little J decided to dive in it, head first. 

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